General Prescribing Guidance

LLR Prescribing 

BMA statement regarding Cancard

Fixed dose Combination tablets -position statement

Homeopathic Medicines – LMSG Statement

LLR Standards for Prescribing across the NHS-Private interface

LLR Standards for Prescribing and Medicines Management at the Interface

LLR Guidance: Self care for Minor Ailments and Self Limiting Conditions

Low Priority Prescribing

NHS GMS Regulations 2004

Opioid Prescribing Guide For Non-Cancer Pain

Specials Prescribing Guidance

Recording Medicines Prescribed and Issued by Other Healthcare Providers

Urgent Palliative Medication Delivery Service (Prescribing, Authorisation, Administration and Accessing Urgent Supply)

Look Alike Sound Alike (LASA) resources 

Look Alike Sound Alike (LASA) Items

Look Alike Sound Alike A-Listers

Minimising the risk of Look-Alike Sound-Alike medication errors

Prescribing in Pregnancy 

Best Use of Medicines in Pregnancy Patient Leaflets

MHRA advice: Medicines with teratogeneic potential: what is effective contraception and how often is pregnancy testing needed?

Position Statement On The Safe Supply of Methotrexate Tablets

Transferring Care Safely 

Transferring Care Safely Interface Guidance

Transferring Care Safety: Response Timescales and Indicative (Agile) Criteria


Common Excipients Which May Cause Adverse Effects in Children

EMA Annex for Labelling of Excipients

Gender Dysphoria 

Gender Dysphoria Guide to Helpful Links


Government guidance regarding prescribing for patients from abroad

Travel Abroad

UHL Patient Information Leaflets